Understanding formal expressions really come down what tool you are using for BPMN. If you are using a tool, there is specific executable language or formal expressions within the standard. For instance an unified expression language (UEL) for a conditional sequence flow from our book (Figure 168), may look like this in XML:
<sequenceFlow is="flow1"
Name="fromEvaluateTrainingMaterialtoModifyVideoResource" sourceRef="EvaluateTrainingMaterial"
<conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression">
${evaluationresult == 'update video required'}
Basically, this expression is indicated that when the condition "update video required" is the result of our evaluation of training material, we move from activity Evaluate Training Material to Modify Video Resource.
For those who are learning or may have experience with formal expressions, share any examples you may have, or feel free to point out how I could better write my formal expression.
After the bracket braces are removed, patients typically receive a retainer to maintain their new smile. Retainers help to prevent teeth from shifting back to their original positions. It is essential to wear the retainer as directed by the orthodontist, as this phase is crucial orthodontic services for long-term success. The length of time a retainer is needed can vary, but many patients wear it full-time for a period before transitioning to part-time use.